Open Enrollment Bootcamp 2023
Become a Sponsor
You're invited to sponsor the biggest insurance event of the year!
Open Enrollment
Bootcamp 2023
Expand your presence in the industry by training and networking with over 250 licensed agents.
September 27—28
Salt Lake City & Virtual
Become a Sponsor
Sponsorship Levels
Carriers can participate in Open Enrollment Bootcamp through three different sponsorship levels.
Unparalleled Exposure
With over 250 attendees from 15+ states, make your brand's presence felt in the insurance industry.
Expected Attendees
States Represented
Staff Guidance
We provide a full support staff that ensures your presentations and workshops will run smoothly.
Technical Team
Mark Anderson
Rick Barlow
Colin Barlow
Sheldon Barlow
Kyle Allred
Colin Barlow
Support Team
Sarah Erratt
Kaylee Sorensen
Belle Arabu
Zeb Barlow
Nora Romualdo
Sophia Jefferson
Bootcamp Hosts
With over 20 years of experience, Arthur and Royce are annual hosts to the year's biggest insurance event.
Arthur Barlow
Compass, CEO & President
As a field agent, Arthur worked for one of the largest agencies in the US and became the top producer in just six months. He went on to build his own proprietary technology to help agents sell more in less time.
Royce Simmons
Compass, Chief Operations Officer
As one of Compass's original founders, Royce is acting as the Chief Operations Officer and has a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Texas. He has been helping clients as a licensed health insurance agent for over 20 years. 
You're invited to sponsor the biggest insurance event of the year!
Open Enrollment Bootcamp 2023
Expand your industry presence by sponsoring the biggest insurance event of the year.
September 27—28
Salt Lake City & Virtual
Become a Sponsor
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